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Galeria Schleifmuehlgasse 12-14 prezintă expoziţia RADICALM, semnată de Sorin Neamţu în cadrul unui amplu dialog intre galerii şi artişti contemporani din România şi Austria, început în 2010, sub titlul LINK-UNIT.
Cum functionează aceste galerii comunicante? Simultan, fiecare expune pe teritoriul celuilalt. In timp ce Sorin Neamţu expune la Viena, artiştii adunaţi în jurul galeriei vienze expun la Cluj, în Fabrica de pensule, şi la Timişoara, în galeria Jecza
Vernisajul vienez va avea loc vineri, 05.04., at 7isch pm.
I am physically unable to leave my
I summon forms of energy in a subversive and non-discriminatory
I can't clearly define what I feel, where exactly I am and with what
purpose, I am always acting like I would be in a past future.
I try to
dispute the obviousness: a utopia put into practice always fails.
I am
building objects that betrays me. In the night you can’t see your hand.
wear my body bound by necessity. I am trying to isolate the intermediate nature,
walking with my almost chair lifted, fighting against the unstable point.
identify the unstable point of my objects: I know that a sphere is the perfect
shape, that it has an infinite number of unstable points.
I am calmly testing
the rolling chaise-longue. Trying to recreate the initial state, the moment when
the upside down head gives the solution for the clew head. (Sorin Neamţu)