„Mesmerizing” by Elvira Selischi at the RCI Vienna Gallery gestalt
31 - 20 MÄR - MAI 2022

„Mesmerizing” by Elvira Selischi at the RCI Vienna Gallery


The Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna presents the exhibition „Mesmerizing” by the artist Elvira Selischi, between March 31st and May 20th, in its premises at Argentinierstrasse 39. The opening took place on both March 31st and April 1st at 6 pm, in the presence of the artist and the curator Ana-Maria Altmann. The closing event will be held on May 19th and on this occasion, the curator will offer a lecture on the contextualization of the works signed by Elvira Selischi in the Austrian artistic landscape. „Mesmerizing” is a cumulative artwork exhibition combining oil, acrylic and Resin Art paintings while also showcasing for the first time a sculptural 3D Style on canvas, recently developed by the artist from 2017 to 2022.

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna organizes the exhibition in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in Vienna. Please confirm your attendance to the exhibition opening, as well as to the closing event at uawg@rkiwien.at.

The exhibition opening is kindly supported by Liliac – The Wine of Transylvania.

"The current exhibition in Vienna has become a 2017-2022 „cumulative artwork project”. It is here that my new 3D Project “The Forest” will be shown to the public for the first time. Since arriving in New Zealand in April 2016, I’ve been focusing my entire energy on my exploratory Art journey. In 2020 I was accumulating a variety of oil paintings, Acrylic paintings, Resin Art paintings, while also developing a new sculptural 3D Style on canvas. After two years of working, my paintings have become more and more three-dimensional. The shapes have expanded towards the exterior of the canvas and I’ve realized that it will be impossible for me to ignore my deep connection to Sculpture." Elvira Selischi

Elvira Selischi (born 1974) currently lives and works in Vienna, following her artistic journey. PhD Architect and Visual Artist, already early on passionate about the relationship between function and form, volume, materials, textures, colors and light, she started painting from a very early age. While also being fascinated by Sculpture, she had the opportunity to study this subject in Paris at Glaze&Fire Workshops (Les Ateliers Terre&Feu de Paris) and at Versailles School of Fine Arts (Ecole de Beaux Art de Versailles) after finishing the Master degree in Architecture in 2002. 3D spatial Modeling and Video’s editing quickly appeared as valuable tools that opened-up powerful perspectives. Strongly attracted by the idea of a specialization in Computer Graphics and Multimedia, she attended the School of Plastic Arts of Paris (EAP), finalized in 2006. As an Architect & Designer, the concern for materials, textures, shapes and functionality of the space pushed her towards Interior Design and in 2015 she completed her Doctorate Degree in Architecture. From September 2007 to March 2016 she taught at the University of Architecture and Urban Planning „lon Mincu” in Bucharest (UAUIM). In 2020 she had three exhibitions in New Zealand in New Plymouth, a welcoming city of art, first at King&Queen Hotel followed by two other exhibitions at KORU Galleries.

The exhibition „Mesmerizing” can be visited at the headquarters of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna between April 4th and May 20th, from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm.